Asian Currency

mughu94/Bank-Central-Asia-BCA-Currency-Exchange-Rates: Bank Central Asia Currency Exchange Rates , auto update in once per 1 minutes

Bank Central Asia Currency Exchange Rates , auto update in once per 1 minutes


This project provides a web interface to display and track currency exchange rates from Bank Central Asia (BCA). It fetches real-time currency data from the BCA API and displays both current rates and percentage changes in a web application.

  • Fetch and display current currency exchange rates.
  • Show percentage changes in rates compared to the previous data.
  • Auto-refreshes data every 60 seconds.
  • Manual update option with a “Force Update” button.
  • Styled using Tailwind CSS for a responsive design.
  • bca.php: Contains both PHP and HTML code for fetching and displaying currency exchange rates.
  • history.json: Stores historical exchange rates data for comparison purposes.
  • PHP 7.4 or higher
  • A web server (e.g., Apache, Nginx) with PHP support
  • An internet connection to fetch data from the BCA API
  1. Just Clone this repo
  1. Data Fetching:

    • Initial Load & Manual Update: When the page loads or when the “Force Update” button is clicked, the PHP script makes a request to the BCA API to fetch the latest currency exchange rates.
    • API Request: This is achieved using a cURL request with the appropriate headers and POST data.
    • Response Handling: The API response is decoded from JSON format and processed by the script.
  2. Data Storage:

    • Saving Data: The fetched currency rates are saved to a file named history.json. This file keeps a record of the latest data for historical comparison.
    • Historical Data: Previous data from history.json is also loaded to compare with the newly fetched rates.
  3. Displaying Data:

    • HTML Tables: The current exchange rates and percentage changes are displayed in two tables:
      • Current Rates Table: Shows the latest exchange rates for various currencies.
      • Percentage Change Table: Displays the percentage change in exchange rates compared to the last fetched data.
    • Table Updates: Data is rendered dynamically into the HTML tables using JavaScript.
  4. Automatic Refresh:

    • Interval: The page automatically fetches updated data every 60 seconds.
    • Update Process: The data is fetched and displayed without needing a page refresh, providing a seamless user experience.
  5. Manual Update:

    • Button Interaction: Clicking the “Force Update” button manually triggers a data fetch.
    • Loading State: The button is disabled and shows a loading state while the data is being fetched to indicate that an update is in progress.
  6. Error Handling:

    • Fetch Errors: Errors encountered during the data fetch are displayed on the page, ensuring that users are informed of any issues.
    • Display Updates: The interface provides feedback on the status of data fetching, including success and error messages.
  • Automatic Updates: The page will refresh data every 60 seconds without user intervention.
  • Manual Updates: Use the “Force Update” button to immediately fetch and display the latest data.
  • No Data Displayed: Ensure that the BCA API endpoint is reachable and returns valid data. Check for any errors in the browser console.
  • Permissions Issues: Verify that the history.json file has appropriate write permissions for the web server.
  • Need work for Percentage Change in the Last Hour / Minute / Months / Year

For any issues or questions, please contact MUGHU.

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