Foreign Currency

International Reserves/Foreign Currency Liquidity (as of the end of February 2025): Ministry of Finance

International Reserves/Foreign Currency Liquidity (as of the end of February 2025): Ministry of Finance

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March 7, 2025

Ministry of Finance

Japan’s reserve assets totaled $ 1,253,281 million as of the end of February 2025, up $ 12,650 million from the end of January.

Details on the level and composition of Japan’s international reserves/ foreign currency liquidity are provided below.

(in US$ millions)

I.  Official reserve assets and other foreign currency assets

(Notes) B. Other foreign currency assets include loans to The Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) in total of $ 38,244 million.

II. Predetermined short-term net drains on foreign currency assets

III. Contingent short-term net drains on foreign currency assets

IV. Memo items

  1. Coverage of this template is the monetary authorities and other central government, excluding social security.
  2. Current market exchange rates are used for valuation of non-US dollar denominated assets/liabilities.
  3. Securities and gold reflect marked to market values.
  4. In Section III, the plus (+) sign is used for inflows and the minus (-) sign for outflows, in accordance with International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity: Guidelines for a Data Template, IMF.
  5. ABF2 is included under item 1.A.(5)(c) See http://asianbondsonline.adb.orgOpen a New Window 
  6. The classification of the notes issued by IMF managed trust accounts was changed from I.A.2 to I.A.5(c) on November 30, 2021.

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