There are a lot of currencies to keep track of in Throne And Liberty, and you can be forgiven for not understanding how to acquire each one, and what they’re all used for. Many of them are acquired in wildly different ways, and it isn’t always clear what to do with them right off the bat.

Throne And Liberty: Complete Guide To Amitoi Expeditions
Amitoi Expeditions are an easy way to get crafting materials and Abyssal Contract Tokens. Here’s everything you need to know about them.
Abyss Currency is one of the ones you aren’t going to be seeing a lot of without actively trying to obtain it, but can be very useful once you have it, and know what to do with it. That said, you’re going to need a lot of it for it to be useful.
How To Get Abyss Currency
Luckily, getting your hands on Abyss Currency is pretty easy, once you know the process. Sundries Merchants are located in most settlements in Throne and Liberty, and those Sundries Merchants are going to sell Resistance Contracts. These Resistance Contracts are going to net you various rewards, one of which is going to be Abyss Currency.
These contracts are going to take you to some of the tougher open-world Dungeons throughout Throne and Liberty, so in certain cases, it’ll be helpful to bring along a friend or two to assist you get through them with hiccups. Provided you both bring along those contracts, you’ll both be rewarded for your efforts.
You can have
multiple Resistance Contracts open at the same time
, so you can complete multiple together instead of individually,
saving you quite a bit of time
Weekly Limits
These Resistance Contracts are limited to a certain weekly amount, but you can get around this with the Sundries Crafter. If you’ve got ample Allied Forces Seals, you can craft more Resistance Contracts for yourelf to complete, and even pick the location of the Contract you’d like to do, in this case.
What Is Abyss Currency Used For?
Abyss Currency is going to be one of the most consistently useful ways to improve your gear quality. Collecting 40 of this Abyss Currency is going to allow you to craft Precious Epic Equipment Chests, of which there are four different options: Tyrant, Desire, Shadow, and Abyss. Each of these Chests contains different gear, and you’ll get to select one piece of gear each time you open a chest.
This is a surefire way to work towards crafting something you know you want, instead of hoping that it drops or making use of gear that isn’t exactly the geat that’s going to make your build sing. It might take a while to gather that much Abyss Currency, but the wait will be worth it, and while you’re grinding for that gear, you’ll be earning and getting other things to drop along the way.

Throne And Liberty: Best Dagger And Staff Builds
If you want to use daggers and staves in Throne and Liberty, here are the best two possible builds for your character.